Accidents Happen

We all like to think that accidents happen to other people, but the sad truth is that there are nearly 2000 casualties on Britain’s roads each year.

The causes are many and varied, including inappropriate speed, alcohol and road conditions. However, one of the most common is quite simply, driver error. And if we examine the topic in a bit more detail, we see that right at the top of the list is failing to look properly, closely followed by failing to correctly judge another driver’s speed or direction. In fact, 70% of accidents happen at junctions when both of these issues come sharply into focus.

Whilst the overall figures may seem quite high, the rarity of their occurrence for any one individual can make us all a bit rusty on what to do in the event of an accident. So if this does happen to you, here’s a few handy tips on what and what not to do in the event of a road accident.

  • Never accept liability, even if you believe it to be your fault. The situation is not always as it seems and a determination of fault should not be made in the heat of the moment.
  • Prompt reporting has been proven to reduce the overall costs incurred by up to 30%, so make a note of the date and time of the accident and report it within 24 hours.
  • Take pictures of all vehicles involved, as well as the road conditions, and make notes about any vehicle damage.
  • Write down the names, addresses and contact numbers of any drivers and witnesses, the number of drivers and passengers involved, and any injuries sustained by yourself or others.
  • Never move an injured person or remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless absolutely necessary.
  • If the emergency services have been called, always stay at the scene until they arrive and take a moment to write down the names of any police officers who attend.

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